Florence Food Finds

Destination Spotlight |

Now onto some of our favorite food finds in Florence!
We were on a mission to find (in Summer’s words) “life changing pizza”.  And that we did!  We spotted a tiny restaurant buzzing with locals with a large wood burning oven and a small menu with just 2 options: Marinera and Margherita.  Sold!
I think the pizza chefs had a crush on us- they made our pizzas in the shape of a heart!  This restaurant is called Cucina Toscana Vini and is located at Via dell Isola delle Stinche 19.  Bonus- the incredible gelato shop Vivoli is just a few doors down!
Another favorite was Osteria Belle Donne located at Via delle Belle Donne 16.  This was a place I found on my first trip to Florence and have made sure to return on each visit since then!  Small hidden restaurant, hand written menu, friendly service, amazing food and really reasonable prices- my kind of place!
We also loved a small meat and cheese shop I had heard about called Il Santino.  We had a glass of wine and tried a number of different cheeses, salamis and prosciuttos.  Everything was so amazing and it was fun to try so many different things!  It is located at Via Santo Spirito 60.
A few doors down is their restaurant Il Santo Bevitore located at Via Santo Spirito 66.  We didn’t get a chance to go there but I have heard amazing things so check it out and let me know what you think!
If you have any other restaurant recommendations to share I would love to hear them!

Bon Voyage!

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