Wishing I Was Here…

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Happy Leap Day! I’m really looking forward to fun wedding industry parties the next couple nights, starting with the Utterly Engaged Leap Year Party tonight!  Then tomorrow is The Cream Event, which will be featuring a number of amazing vendors in the wedding industry.  I am really honored to be included!

As I am rushing around today to get through my mile long to do list, these pictures of the pools at Ubud Hanging Gardens Hotel made me pause.  Just look at that view!  I am constantly blown away by the pictures clients send from their honeymoons in Bali, and am hoping to visit there myself very soon!  Anyone else wishing they were soaking in that pool right now?

Images via Ubud Hanging Gardens Hotel

Bon Voyage!

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  1. | Susannah VanDyke {Lukas VanDyke Photography} Says:

    Oh. My. Goodness. I SO want to be at this pool right now! How in the world do you find these amazing places?! It was so great meeting you last night!

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